Michelle Samora
Instant Keto straight non-stop burns about 320 calories that's only two minutes of resistance training even if you're a fast runner and you run three miles in let's say 40 minutes that's only two minutes versus 40 minutes and even if you're not putting up any weight on the squats or just using your body weight you will burn 320 calories so it's your choice you can either run for three miles do squats for two minutes or not eat that plain bagel with cheese so in terms of exercise weights and resistance training is much more effective than running on a treadmill um explosive runs and sprints are also very good and it's especially true for for women and people with low metabolism weights and resistance training is something that almost everyone can do running is a highly specialized skill and a lot of people get hurt doing it because they think all you got to do is just show up and start running or jogging they have foot imbalances and ankle mobility issues and hip issues and you end up really hurting yourself more than helping and we definitely don't want that but weights you can start out very low and just slowly increase it over time and you'll improve and you'll get better so i always tell people lift weights to burn calories it is true it's still not a whole lot of calories but it's definitely a significant amount of calories and can help you with your your weight loss goals so weight training versus cardio this question always comes up a lot at this talk so i decided
Read More>> https://mumycares.com/instant-keto/
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